Impact Created
Health Initiatives
- Donation for purchase of Dialysis Equipment
- Initiatives for Installation of software at hospital in OPD and IPD department
- Donation for purchasing hospital equipment i.e., Humidifiers and Pulse Oximeters
- Initiatives towards making available hospital facilities at subsidized cost
- Funding for School for Books Notebooks, School uniforms and Shoes
- Initiatives for development of School Infrastructures including Digital Classroom, Laptop, Projector, Sound system
- Contribution towards developing schools for the underprivileged and other community service activities
- Donation for establishing Maharaja Aggarsain Bhavan on Bhiwani Rohtak road which will be utilized for making available hospital activities at subsidized cost
CSR Committee

Sandeep Sugla
Director, Chairman

Aman Gupta
Director, Member

Bradford Bernstein
Director, Member
CSR Policy
This policy, which encompasses the philosophy of MarketsandMarkets Research Private Limited ("Company") for delineating its responsibility as a corporate citizen and lays down the guidelines and mechanism for undertaking socially useful programmes for welfare and sustainable development of the community at large, is titled as the 'CSR Policy'.
CSR PolicyCompliance
The Company, through its CSR initiatives is committed to continue to enhance value creation in the society and in the community in which it operates. The company, in fulfilment of its role as a socially responsible corporate, promotes sustained growth for the society and community through its services, conduct and initiatives.
These Annual Reports on CSR activities as required under the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, are annexed herewith.
CSR Report 2021-22 CSR Report 2022-23